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August 27, 2008



Congrats on the new yarn! So exciting!


oh my! that doll is kind of creepy! (very creative though!) the spinning looks great!!! you made yarn!!!


pimple cream will get the ink off of the dolls face. Something with benzoyl peroxide. Dab on, then let sit in the sun and the ink will fade completely away. My daughter colored on the face of her American Girl baby and this worked like magic.


Yay for you on the freshly made yarn!


Congrats on the yarn. And that is certainly an interesting look for Miss Dolly. ;)


That dolly definately reminds me of Fiona. I hope you have a journal going because you are going to want to remember all these moments. I see the yarn you made...I don't get it. Baby booties look adorable. How are you going to keep them on "your back to nature, nudist children"? Enquiring minds want to know... Arlis


I think I saw that doll in a Stephen King movie...

Love the yarn! Yay, you! I can't believe you've taken up spinning with all the children to look after.

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