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September 16, 2008



It's gorgeous! And I think those pictures are great!


Glad to see it found it's pattern! It looks great and your husband is too cute.


It looks so soft and touchable, I love the colours! I wouldn't give that one away under any circumstances.

Peter is a ham!


that is so pretty! I love the way the angora softens the pattern a bit....


It is beautiful! The pattern looks so different, amazing what a change in yarn can do.


So pretty and soft looking! Hehe..your hubby ;)


Lovely scarf! That blue is really nice.

Time to throw knitted objects over hubby for photo shoots?


Unrepentant mother here always looking for knitted handouts. Although you may need a scarf now you're living in the Maritimes instead of the banana belt. Love the color. Love the hubby. We wouldn't have him any other way...well, we might tweak him a little. Arlis


Very pretty. I have never seen this scarf done in an angora and I think it is really beautiful. Nice!


I would love to find a scarf that looks that soft and is actuall soft! Is it itchy at all?
I told my best friend that I was making her a scarf for xmas last year... that was a mistake cause she still doesn't have it! This lovely piece has inspired me to give her a better one this year. I better start now! haha


Cute pics, funny husband, fabulous scarf!


It'so pretty on you especially in these shades of blue. You both look sultry in the first photo:)


That scarf looks really soft, and the pictures are really cute!


heheheh your husband is too funny!
Love the scarf, it will definatley keep you toasty this winter!

Photo scarf

Cute Scarf!

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