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« My So Called Scarf Part Deux | Main | Fiona wears a dress »

October 06, 2008



Cute capelet! It's a great color on you.


Love that capelet, but I must say you're overshone by the babes. :0)

Arlis MacDonald

Thanks for posting the bald baby. He looks like he needs a Gramma there to hug him and kiss him and hold him and tell him his hair will grow back and then the laughter will go away. So serious looking...he must of been up to no good. Love the pictures of Fiona. They truly capture her personality. I like the model. Good looking woman. Nice figure. New hairdo? Makes the capelet look good. Missing y'all. Arlis


Loving that Capelet! The colour looks great on you!
I was tempted to buy the Jaeger from cucumber patch and now i'm even more!!!


LOVE the capelet!! Cute kids too!


Love the capelet! Such a pretty green.

The little darlings! Lilah was bald for months and months, but she's getting a haircut today. I love the "sweet little girl" photos...ah, the contrasts.


Your capelet looks great! I have it in my queue. I have MANY things in my queue. ;-)

What adorable faces!!


Great caplet, I love the color!

mary lou

Lovely capelet! Thanks for posting the photos. I hardly recognize Simon but I do see some hair growing back.Hugs for all.
Love, Mary Lou


Nice capelet, I too like it without the button. Awww cutie pie kids too!

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